Cosmic Support

Happy New Year, and Happy New Moon in Capricorn! 

It warms my heart to see so much discussion about the timing of setting intentions and resolutions this year. It seems that more and more of us are recognizing the importance of living in tune with the rhythms of nature.

In my experience, when you live seasonally and in tune with the cycles of the sun and the moon, intention setting becomes a regular part of life as there are so always opportunities to begin again, to reset, to release, and restart. 

The opportunities to connect with nature to help further our highest goals for ourselves and for the greater good abound: We have four seasons with their four celebrations (the solstices and the equinoxes) and the midpoints between them, a monthly Zodiac sign change, a new and full moon every 29-ish days, and even more chances to celebrate and connect with deeper astrology like the the movement of the planets and the waxing and waning phases of the moon. 

In our yoga practices, we also have the chance to set intention every single time we step on the mat, and to take in something new and release something old with every inhale and every exhale. We never need feel hopeless about where we are, because there is always a chance to start again and chart a new course.

This Capricorn New Moon at the beginning of a new Gregorian year asks us to reflect and to plant new seeds in the dark, rich soil of the night moon sky. When considering what seeds we want to plant in our lives, this moon asks us to reflect on the support we already have that can aide us in the growth of the seeds, and what additional routines or habits might create more support.

As a New Moon Practice, reflect on the structures and foundations in your life that support you in your endeavors. Practice gratitude for those that exist, and consider the areas of your life where you’d like more stability and structure. What seeds would you like to plant during this cycle, and how can your existing support structures trellis the growth of these seeds? How can you practice gratitude while reaching for goals in alignment with your highest good and the good of all?

During this New Moon, I am grateful for the schedule I have created that supports me in my wellness practices and allows me to create and facilitate the events and retreats of my dreams. I am grateful for a partner who shares in housework and cooking good meals when my days are busy, and who joins me at events when he can. With this support, I hope to set new wellness routines for myself that increase my overall vitality and ability to continue creating and leading retreats and other creative events. My intention is to continue traveling and guiding others in intention setting and wellness practices that uplift them and their communities.

I hope that you will join me.

SPECIAL EVENT: Join me and Chrissie of Omni Integrative Wellness tomorrow at 6:00pm on TikTok LIVE for a FREE New Moon in Capricorn Ritual to celebrate and set intentions for this cycle. Use this link to join.

With Cosmic Support and lots of New Moon Love,

Katy Joe


Full Moon in Scorpio // Transformation is Possible


Integrity + Intention