Full Moon in Scorpio // Transformation is Possible

Happy Full Moon in Scorpio. 🌝♏️

The Earth + Sky retreat in Sedona last weekend was so much about connection :: connection to our bodies, our breath, our divinity, our highest selves, our intuition, each other, to earth, and to sky.

Today’s full moon will reveal to us how our own growth and personal transformation leads to change within the collective. If we can get quiet, we can listen in to our inner voice, which will never tell us we need more resources at the expense of others’ safety or well-being. If we listen, we might hear that our standing up to injustices in the world with grace, compassion, and righteous anger will heal our hearts and soften the hearts of others. If we listen, we will hear that our authentic voices and creations are much more useful to the health of the collective than a repurposed and inauthentic copy. If we listen, we will hear that we are loved, supported, and held by this earth and others on it, and we have a duty to be in reciprocity to her and humanity.

To me, today’s full moon is about releasing the outside noise so that I can go inward and hear more clearly my intuitive voice. Intuition is so important because when we truly listen to what we need, we are able to hear how our highest good is related to the highest good of all, as we are so divinely connected. It is not personal manifestation for personal gain. It is true compassion for ourselves so we can feel compassion for the collective so we can be inspired to stand up and demand equity, accountability, justice, and reparations.

If you want to help yourself, help humanity, and help the earth, get quiet today so that intuition can be heard. We’ll all benefit.


Cosmic Support